2. What are five foods you eat every day?
This was hard cause I don't eat the same things every day!
- watermelon
- tomatoes (when my Mom shares them from her garden)
- beef
- potatoes
- candy
3. Five places you'd love to visit?
-Alaska again
-Tennessee (Smoky Mountains) again with all four of us (Last time we went was before Titus was born, we loved it so much and have always wanted to go back).
-Maine in fall
-Florida beach again with my husband
- Cape Cod
4. Something you've done recently that deserved a 'high five'?
I felt pretty impressed with myself for making a quilt block with a new pattern and picking the colors out myself. I am going to add another dark green and see if I like it better or maybe keep both to make a quilt with 20 of the blocks.
Also trying a new recipe that we liked! It was porcupine meatballs! This is the link to recipe I used.
5. Give us five 5-letter words that describe your July.
This makes me think of Wordle to come up with 5 letter words. Do you play Wordle?
- books--We went to the library often and read a lot.
- banks--My husband left his job at the bank at the end of June. We closed accounts at one bank and moved money to another. Also I went by another bank to sign documents for school board but the documents weren't ready.
- store-- School supply shopping and I do like to watch the ads this month as they put school supplies on sale.
- sleep--It's been nice to not have to be anywhere most days and be able to sleep and not set an alarm.
- quilt--On Thursday mornings I go over to quilt with my friend, teacher, and mentor.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
We have been eating so much watermelon here too!
And how exciting that your son is starting fire academy!
I agree, August has rolled around fast. Good luck to your son with the fire academy.
I enjoyed your answers. I'd love to go to alaska. We are going to Maine in October.
Enjoyed reading your answers. Your random is sad yet exciting for him.
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