Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Do you like the beach? How far do you have to drive to get to the nearest beach? Your least favorite thing about the beach? Last beach trip you took? 
The beach is not my favorite place or my "happy place."  I don't like the sun and the sand.  However, I do like siting under an umbrella with a book and listening to the waves which my husband and I did in Florida for our 20th anniversary.  We are over 400 miles from the beach.  The trip to Florida was the last beach trip we took. 

 2. Are you known for making waves or are you more of a 'go along to get along' kind of person? Explain. I don't like making waves.  However, I have realized as I've gotten older that it's okay to state my opinion and not just do things to make others happy.

3. A favorite song that in some way references the beach? A favorite book and/or movie with a beach-y setting? A song doesn't come to mind.

I recently read The Sweet Life by Suzanee Woods Fisher that has a beach setting.  It made me want to visit Cape Cod.

4.Tuesday is National Simplicity Day...what's a simple pleasure you've enjoyed this week? What's something you could eliminate from your life to make things simpler? 

A simple pleasure we enjoyed this week was a snowcone with our son and his girlfriend.  It was nothing fancy but we got to spend a little time with them.

Definitely clutter needs to be eliminated.  And we are working on it in the office currently. I have a rolling file drawer and am trying to go through each file as I sit by the trash can and shredder.  It is time consuming.  Why did I save some of these papers?!  

5. What's something you love to do? Do you do it often? Why or why not? 

I love to quilt!  This feels like a new hobby to me as I've only been doing it since Titus started kindergarten.  It is fun to learn something new.  This past year I tried an online challenge to make a block a week and that has taught me a lot. I didn't get them all made but it has been fun to do the ones I did complete.   I have just got back in to quilting reguarly with my friend/mentor after our vacation once we finished Caleb's tshirt quilt in May.  We are working on piecing blocks from a kit my aunt gave me that is a patriotic quilt.  

6. Insert your own random thought here. 
At this point it doesn't feel like I'll ever complete the office clean out.  I've been moving around the room and going through every thing.  I know it will be worth it once it is complete.  It is just so time consuming and not very fun!  

Have a day of blessings! 


Joyce said...

An office clean out is an enormous task. Keep going! It will for sure be worth it! I had a snow cone last weekend and forgot how much I love them. It had been a long time since I'd had one and it was so refreshing.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I love listening to the waves of the ocean. Yum on the snow cone. I have an entire house to declutter. Good luck. How wonderful that you have your quilting to work on. Enjoy the rest of your week.

ellen b. said...

Love the ebb and flow of the beach. Sounds like a nice anniversary trip. It's been ages since I had a snowcone. Happy Hodgepodge to you.

Allstarme79 said...

I still hesitate to tell people my opinion but it's a better thing to do than lie to people. Good answers.