Thursday, March 31, 2022

Thankful Thursday

Goodbye March!  Another month finishing of 2022.

What are you thankful for today?

Here is my thankful list:

~ my husband coming home to make the smoke alarms stop.  I was just going to deal with till he got home but he came home and took care of it.

~ seeing my big boy interact and play with younger kids at church.

~ my little guy got to have his first baseball game!  It makes me smile how he grins so big as he's running out to bat.  He has gotten some good hits too.  He is in machine pitch again this year.  I'm thankful also that they get to play as I was remembering two years ago when they didn't.

~ going to our church family retreat.  We are blessed with a sweet church family.  It is such a blessing to have these people part of our lives.  Spending time together was great.  The weather was wonderful.  We had a candlelight service Saturday night in the chapel and it was a beautiful time of worship.

~ a productive day at home this week.  I am getting things done for the upcoming birthday party for Titus and did some quilting and continuing ed.

~ how it touches my heart to see people coming together to help out strangers/neighbors in need during the recent fires in Texas.  

Have a day of blessings!

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