Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What's something we'd find you doing most afternoons? 

I go get in car line a little after 3 each weekday.  I like to read during this time as I wait for my boy.

2. Who do you take after? In what way(s)? 

Well I am like my Mom in some I handle the checkbook and money/savings, we are both worriers. I asked my husband how I take after her and he said we have a similar laugh and we both try to serve others. 

  I don't think I'll ever be the same cook or green thumb she is!  

What comes to mind for how I take after my Dad is that I have his thumbs.  They bend far back.  Random!  

3. 'After every storm comes a rainbow' or 'the calm before the storm'...which phrase do you relate to more right now? Tell us why? 

"After every storm comes a rainbow" makes me "rainbow babies."  This is the term given to a baby born after a Mom has a miscarriage.  Both of our boys are "rainbow babies."  I had a miscarriage before being pregnant with both of them.  

4.What are your plans for the day after tomorrow? 

For Friday I do not have any plans currently!  That can change though.

5. Complete this sentence-"After all is said and done_____________________."

God still reigns no matter what person is in the White House.  It is sad to me how much faith people are putting in a human. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Over the weekend Caleb showed his steer at the county show.  It was his 2nd time to show him.  They got third in the class of three, the judge said his steer was the most structurally sound but needed to be wider in the back.  Caleb has put in many hours of work and learned so much.  I am so thankful for the people who have poured into him to help him through this.  It has touched my heart really to see the new relationships he's formed and all the things he has learned.  He has another show in February.  

Have a day of blessings!


Visits With Mary said...

I have never heard of "rainbow babies," I think it's very appropriate. Congrats to Caleb for his third place victory!!

Joyce said...

I think we all hold plans a little loosely in this season. I guess there is a lesson there, one of many we can take away from all of this. I don't know anything about steer judging, but am glad your son is learning a lot and has people to help him along the way. Enjoy your day.

Debi said...

I enjoyed your answers. I had never heard the term "rainbow babies". I have one of them... my first born. I had two miscarriages before we were blessed with him.

ellen b. said...

Congrats to Caleb! PTL for your rainbow babies and so sorry for the sweet babes you miscarried.

Pamela said...

Congratulations to Caleb! That's wonderful that he has great mentors to help him in his endeavors. I am thankful to my daughter's 4-H leader - she taught her club members so many valuable lessons.

Cathy Kennedy said...


I did not know the expression "rainbow babies". That would make our third child, who's a boy, a rainbow baby. :) I agree God is in control. People do put too much faith in other humans. People are flawed. They continue to elect the wrong people into power until something horrific like what we're experiencing takes place. We need conservative Christian leadership from the lowest levels straight to the White House. This is where the problem begins which folks don't seem to grasp. You can't put a wolf in sheep skin into office without expecting it to one day bite you. I know you get what I'm saying as do many in this community but I do place my faith in the Master. We will weather this storm and get through it with God's help. I remind myself often that darkness comes from Satan in times of trouble. Through power and a positive attitude I God's light fills me. :) Thanks for sharing your answers and I hope when you find time you'll swing by for a visit at Curious as a Cathy.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I use to love picking up the kids. I think of rainbow babies too. I like your answer for #5....God still reigns no matter what! I like that Caleb shows his steer at country shows. He should be very proud of himself.

Wendy said...

Thank you for your visit. I hadn't heard the term rainbow babies and thankfully none of my three can be called that. We were very fortunate with our family.