Friday, April 17, 2020

Book review: Colossians

About the book:
Let the wisdom of Colossians transform relationships in every area of your life — home, church, and even the world — with this study guide from renowned Bible teacher Joyce Meyer.

Paul’s letter to the Colossians reminds us that as we have died with Christ, so, too, do we need to die to our sins. It encourages us that because we have also been raised in Him, we must submit to Jesus and adopt qualities motivated by Christian love.

In this comprehensive study tool, Joyce Meyer’s commentary on Colossians affirms the Lordship of Christ and offers practical advice on family, relationships, and faith.

My thoughts:
I have really enjoyed reading this commentary by Joyce Meyer on the New Testament book of Colossians.

I like the format of the book.  It begins with background information about the book of Colossians.  It is divided into 14 chapters with a short section of the text of Colossians printed at the beginning of each.  There is a question for "personal reflection" as well as lined spaced to record your thoughts.

The book is easy to read and follow with practical input for your personal living.  Colossians has a lot to say about how we should live as Christians.  This book does a good job of breaking it down verse by verse in a way you will be able to understand.

If you have not read anything by Joyce Meyer I encourage you to give this book a try.   Look here for more information or to get your own copy.

Thank you to Hachette Book Group for sending me a copy of this book for my review.

Have a day of blessings!

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