Thursday, January 17, 2019

Thankful Thursday

The weeks seem to go by so quickly.  We weren't even very busy this week with "extras." 

This week I am thankful for...
~ my husband working to take care of us while he is at home during the shutdown. He cooked us a delicious meal tonight...chicken in the new instant pot he got me for Christmas.  He's going to have to teach me how to use it!

~ my big boy being excited about spending time with his youth group. He is going on a trip with them this weekend.  Pray for his safety.

~ my little boy and the ways he is growing up.  He tells us now for meals that he wants a "glass plate" and carried them to the sink tonight on his own. He used to not want to for fear he'd drop the glass and it would break.

~ money for food and bills. I don't take this for granted during this shutdown. Monday was the first day my husband didn't get his paycheck.  I went through our checkbook and savings and determined what we have available. 

~ fun experience for us all with Caleb showing chickens for the first time.  The show was last Friday. His biggest chicken randomly died on Thursday!  They show a pen of 3.  It was all very interesting to see. Caleb did a great job caring for them and wants to do it again next year. He got 5th place and won senior showmanship.  The judge asked them questions individually about their chickens, feeding them, etc. Then he called out a girl and Caleb and asked them additional questions individually.  Then he said Caleb was the winner.

~ our neighbors and being able to help her out when she needed us to help with her dog. 

Have a day of blessings! 


Debby@Just Breathe said...

I can't believe it is mid January already. Way to fast for me! Our son turns 40 on Sunday. Sorry about the shut down but how awesome to have your husband home and cooking for you. I will pray for Caleb's safety. So sweet Titus being so careful with the plate. That is so sad about the chicken. Way to go on coming in 5th, that's really awesome for his first time. Have a wonderful weekend.

Terri D said...

It is always good to count our blessings!!