Thursday, September 6, 2018

Thankful Thursday

It has been a busy week and fast with the holiday we had on Monday.  This week I am thankful for...

~ my husband's safe travel on a business trip he had this week.

~ seeing my big boy's football game.  He played most of the game and it's always fun to watch them.  I had to look twice when I saw him out on the field.  I looked to make sure it was his number, he looks so big and tall out there.

~ my little guy having a fun time at my Mom's house.  He likes helping her fill the bird feeders and make "sugar water" for the hummingbirds.  They also pick the "may-tay-toes" (tomatoes) from their garden.  ( I love how he says tomatoes!)

~ the nice holiday break on Monday.  We were able to stay home which was so nice and much needed by all of us.

~ the rain we have had this week.  We've had several rainy days.  It came pouring down today, I thought we would be wet at the football game but it cleared out by game time.

~ being able to be the "JV Team Mom."  That means I make the goody bags for the boys for the away games.  I made those on Wednesday. The other Moms signed up to bring items for the bags and I made them.   I'm thankful I can do that.

Have a day of blessings!

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