Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Summer is upon us this week in the Northern hemisphere. Tell us three things on your summer bucket list.
     * Enjoy our upcoming vacation which will be the first time flying with the boys and my first flight in MANY years.  We are going to the DC area.

     * Complete a Shutterfly book before my coupons expire!! LOL
     * Use our new to us camper at some point.  We got it last week and don't know when we will be able to use it yet.  We are excited to use it.

2. Something fun you used to do as a kid in the summertime?
Our school would pass out "summer survival kits."  They were an envelope with coupons and discounts to local businesses.  The bowling alley would put one in every summer that entitled you to one free game of bowling all summer long.  My cousin and I would go bowling and then we would go to the snow cone stand!  

Another thing I loved doing in the summer was being a "junior volunteer" at our local hospital.

3. Rooftop or backyard? Why?  I'll say backyard because I would not get on our roof.  Ha!  I have a dream of what our backyard could look like, who knows if it ever will.

4. Do you read food labels? Place importance on them? Make an effort to find out/care about where your food comes from? 

I do now more than I used to.  I have taken "red 40" out of my youngest son's diet just based on personal observations of how he reacted (meltdowns, etc.) after having it.  So now I check things and he asks me "does this have red in it?"  

My husband has listened to an audio book from our library called Plant Paradox and it has been interesting to hear him share what he is learning in it regarding our food and food supply and agriculture in our country.

5. A song you'll have on repeat this summer?

None come to mind.  We like to listen to son likes 90s country songs and try to guess what they are as they come on. I like a kid's praise song channel.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Our oldest is at church camp this week.  On Monday he will go in for surgery to remove his tonsils and adenoids.  Say a prayer for him that all will go smoothly for his surgery as well as his recovery.

Have a day of blessings!


Debby@Just Breathe said...

Have a great trip and I hope the boys enjoy the flight. Congratulations on the camper. That should be fun! Sending prayers for Caleb.

songbird's crazy world said...

Enjoy your vacation

ellen b said...

Hi Bethany! Have a great flight and trip to D.C. Praying as I type for your oldest and his upcoming surgery that all goes well. Happy summer to you!

peppylady (Dora) said...

Had trouble with number 5. I guess after thinking I would say the Eagles.
I sure hope taking the red dye out of your son diet has postive effect.
Coffee is on

Unknown said...

I’ll. E praying for your son, ice cream will be his friend for a few days! Summer sounded fun for you and I hope you get to use the new to you camper soon

Unknown said...

I will pray for your son, ice cream will be his friend for a few days. Summer sounded fun for you, I hope you get to use your new to you camper soon.