Thursday, June 14, 2018

Thankful Thursday

Here is my thankful list for this week:

~ an 'I Love You' text from my husband.

~ my big boy having a fun time at the lake with his youth group.  He has also been going to morning workouts so he's had some sore muscles.

~ my little guy's love of books!  He was excited to go to the summer reading program at our local library and to the book sale.

~ volunteering at the book sale with my boys and Mom.  It is a huge sale and was a lot of fun.  Caleb unloaded the heavy boxes of books off the trucks.  I think it wore him out since he'd already been at workouts for 2 hours that morning too.  Titus was cute opening the boxes with his little scissors and putting books onto the table. 

~ having snow cones for a family fun night at church. A yummy treat!

~ successful shopping trip for finding shorts and new tennis shoes for Caleb. He is picky about his tennis shoes.  He also did find some football cleats for $5 so that was quite a good bargain.

Have a day of blessings!

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