Thursday, December 15, 2016

Thankful Thursday

We have made it to the end of the school semester.  Caleb has a half day tomorrow left.  It's been busy but we have accomplished a lot.

This week I am thankful for....
~ my husband being home safely from his meeting.  He is "Dad of the Year" in my opinion as this week he had an out of town meeting (about 2.5 hours away).  He went on Tuesday to be there by noon but then came back home to be at Caleb's band concert at 7:00. He then got up to leave our house by 5 to get back to his meeting.  I told him we could video it or FaceTime but he wanted to be there as he had been looking forward to it.

~ my big boy's band concert.  It was such a festive time, and I enjoyed the music all the different bands played.

~ my baby boy being okay when he fell off the couch. I stood up and he scooted over and then sat on the arm. He moved and went backwards off the edge.  I could not grab him fast enough.  He hit the edge of the wall and window and scrambled to get up but he was okay.

~ the beauty of the Christmas lights on our tree.  It just feels so calming to have all the lights off except the white lights of the tree.  I love seeing it and the twinkle of the lights with the ornaments.

~ getting a new necklace with my boys' names on it.   I ordered it from this Etsy shop. It is like this one.

~ progress we have made in completing various Christmas tasks.  I need to print our Christmas letter!  I have the envelopes addressed but need to get them ready to mail.

Merry Christmas!

Have a day of blessings!

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