Thursday, May 12, 2016

Thankful Thursday

Happy Thursday!  It is nearing the middle of May already.  We are winding down the school year here.

This week I am thankful for...
~ the words my husband says to me that encourage and build me up and make me feel special.

~ going to hear our big boy in his band competition.  It was fun to hear the entire band play together.  They did great and received a Division I rating.  He was the temporary tuba player.  :)

~ our 13 month old boy being happy and healthy!  Today he is 13 months old. He likes to help with chores. He always tries to help with laundry, and I just love it!  He is getting in several new teeth lately.  He has had the same 6 since around the holidays.  At his 1 year appointment the doctor could see one of his molars coming in. So I checked and the one on the other side was coming in.  Both of those have popped through as well as a new one on the bottom front.  Another molar is coming on the bottom too.  I can tell his little mouth hurts sometimes.

~ enjoying Mother's Day weekend.  We had such a relaxing day on Saturday.  I got to spend a lot of time coloring which was fun for me. Then Sunday was a busy day going to my brother in law's college graduation.  It was nice to see that side of the family too.  

~ rain and safety in the storm.  We had a very long thunderstorm in the night.  I can't remember hearing that much seemed to go on and on. We didn't have damage really but just couldn't really sleep during it!

~ having a nice neighborhood to take walks and be outside with my boys.

Have a day of blessings!

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