I'm joining in with Wednesday Hodgepodge today. She started asking some Christmas questions this week!
1. With that being said I think I need to dive right in to some Christmas related questions, don't you? Which do you prefer-pretty gift wrap with a bow or a pretty gift bag with/without a bow? What percentage of your holiday gifts are currently (as in right this very minute) wrapped in some form or fashion? I prefer to use gift wrap but don't do much bows. My wrapping is never fancy. I have wrapped some gifts already; some things I've bought are "stocking stuffer" type gifts (like for my niece) that I've collected here and there and am going to put in a sack. Those won't be wrapped till I finish getting them. And the rest of the gifts still needs to be bought or finished (there are a few things I am making)!
2. What is one item on your Christmas list this year? I asked my husband to make a picture for me to hang in my bathroom. He has drawn me pictures through the years, and I would really like one to hang on the wall.
3. What makes a home? In 2010 we sold the home we had lived in for 7 years. We were in a time of transition for several months, and I learned that home really is being together with the ones I love. I remember one night in particular that we were at our temporary duplex. My husband was traveling most of the time with his new position. One night he was able to be with us, and we had supper together. I remember all the packed boxes and mess everywhere. By this time I think we'd already sold our table. It made me want to cry as we were eating on tray tables and boxes, just feeling thankful because we were together again.
4. Motown founder Berry Gordy celebrates his birthday on Hodgepodge Day-November 28th. Are you a fan of the Motown sound? If so, who's your favorite Motown artist and/or song? Here's a list in case you're stuck. I had to look at the list. Several of them were familiar to me including the top two on the list... I Heard It Through The Grapevine and My Girl.
5. Red or green-which one is more prevalent in your closet? I do not have much of either. I can think of only a couple of each color that I have. I have a red sweater I like to wear in December.
6. True or false-bacon makes it better? If you answered true, what's your favorite dish made with bacon? I do like to eat bacon! The first dish that comes to mind is the broccoli salad I made last week for Thanksgiving.
7. Share a favorite holiday memory. When I read this question two memories came to mind and both had to do with Peepaw. I'll share one of those today. One year for Christmas Peepaw was making things from wood for family members. He made his daughters quilt racks. He made some cradles for the younger granddaughters. He made a hope chest for me. He had worried about being able to finish it in time for Christmas because of some health issues he had had that year. I was excited to get this gift from him; it is a treasure to have today.
8. Insert your own random thought here. My boy is a Million Word Reader. At his school they use the Accelerated Reader program. He has been taking tests all year on the books he reads. If he passes the tests he gets points, and the program also keeps track of the number of words in the books. Yesterday after school he told me he got to a million. He is the first third grader to get to a million and third one on his campus of 3rd-5th graders. We are proud of him and his love of reading.
Have a day of blessings!
1 comment:
But...but...broccoli salad is so much better withOUT bacon! Guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. :P How special to have something he made especially for you! I too have a hopechest my grandfather made, and it is incredibly precious to me. And wow! A million words?! That's great! I think we'd get along fabulously, since I like to read too. :)
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