1. Turkey-love it or leave it? White meat or dark? What's your favorite thing to make using leftover turkey? I do like to eat turkey. I don't have a preference on white or dark meat, I will eat either. I will look forward to reading the answers others give for using the leftovers. My Mom always divides it up in small portions to send home with us.
2. Gotta burn off all those carbs the day after a holiday feast so which would you rather do-run a 10K or climb a mountain? This makes me laugh (and if you know me you probably laugh too at my doing either!) because I'd chose neither of these. I have climbed a mountain, and I guess I'd prefer doing that again to running.
3. Do you feel like social networking has made your relationships better or worse? Explain. I feel like I know more about my family and high school friends and their kids, lives, etc. which is nice. I also like to keep in touch with friends from the town where we used to live. So for the people far away or that I wouldn't normally be in touch with anyway, I think it is better. On the other hand, I can see how it could be a bad thing if you let that replace your face to face contact. Because of social networking I personally don't have less contact with people in real life that I would normally connect with in real life anyway.
4. How do you find and express gratitude for the hard things in your life?
Three little country churches here gathered together on Sunday evening for a special Thanksgiving service followed by a meal. One of the preachers asked this question. His answer was that we remember Christ's sacrifice for us. He took our place. No matter how hard things get or how bad of a day we feel we are having, we always have something for which to be thankful when we remember Christ's sacrifice.
5. In the US, the day after Thanksgiving has been dubbed 'Black Friday'. Is most of your holiday shopping done live and in person, or is it done more through the magic of the Internet? How do you feel about stores opening at midnight Thanksgiving night? Will you be out amongst the masses on Friday? I normally shop in person. I have ordered some things online and do check prices on the Internet. I think it is ridiculous how early the stores open. As I read someone else say....would the stores open that early if customers weren't there? I think it says a lot about people and our country. Money----making it for the retailers and saving a few bucks for the shoppers---has so much influence. I don't plan to be out shopping Friday.
6. Speaking of the color black-which black item in your wardrobe would you say is your favorite? A black short sleeve shirt comes to mind. I like how it fits and that I can wear it with several pairs of pants/shorts.
7. What do you appreciate about your life today? There are so many things. One I truly appreciate is being married to my best friend and that I get to be a stay at home Mom. That was always my dream, and I'm glad he supports me in that.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I am looking forward to Thanksgiving on Thursday and time spent with family. Happy Thanksgiving!
Have a day of blessings!
what a great post! happy thanksgiving to you and yours!!! :) popping on over from the hodgepodge - i love finding new blogs through joyce!
Happy Thanksgiving! I enjoyed reading your answers, sounds like you aren't a picky eater like i am. I like your social networking answers. It's good and bad at the same time, though in the past i think its made me lazy but i have my ipod with me at the gym so i can read facebook and twitter while running. ;)
Hi there! I'm hopping over from Joyce's blog and wanted to say I enjoyed your answers this week.
Happy Thanksgiving :)
Excellent #4! Great reminder of what really matters. Hope your Thanksgiving is wonderful! :)
It is sometimes hard in this busy crazy world to keep what really matters foremost in our minds. I like Thanksgiving for that reason-we can pause and shut out the distractions for a time. Hope your day was blessed!
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