Thursday, June 7, 2012

June Thankful Thursday

We woke up early this morning to a big storm and lots of rain.  We are so thankful, we really need the rain.

This is our first full week of summer vacation.  I'm so glad my boy is home.  :)  We have been busy and had fun.

Today I am thankful for...
~ celebrating our anniversary with my husband last weekend.  11 years... I am so thankful for him!

~ enjoying having my boy out of school and the things we have done together.  I like having him along with me in the car and when I go grocery shopping.  He's been helpful at home too.

~ a surprise visit from my boy's teacher.  We were actually going to run errands and I remembered that I'd forgotten to put the chicken in the crock pot for supper.  So I turned around to come home and did that.  Then as I was backing out of our drive a vehicle pulled up.  It was his teacher, she was bringing me a thank you present for helping them this year.  That was a fun surprise.  She also invited my boy to her son's birthday party.

~ surprise ice cream after church last night as well as compliments on our boy from his teacher on his reading and that he could look up the passage.

~ swimming in an indoor pool.  Fun times!!

This month we are meeting at Grace Alone for Thankful Thursday.  Have a day of blessings!


Kathleen said...

Wonderful thanks and what a great teacher to realize how valuable your help was ! Have a fabulous day!

Karen said...

Happy Anniversary!! God bless your family.