Thursday, April 5, 2012

Thankful Thursday

This week has seemed slow to me for some reason.  Maybe it's because this is a 4 day weekend coming up for my boy!  We didn't use our bad weather days this year so we are off Friday and Monday.  So today has been my "Friday" and I went to make copies and work in the library at the school.
What are you thankful for today?  We are meeting this month at Grace Alone.  Join us!

Here is my thankful list for this week: 

~ my husband getting a good report at the doctor.  He had some moles he wanted checked and they were all okay.  We are thankful. Also I'm glad he could spend the night at my Mom's house to be closer to the doctor's office.  When we called doctor's here, he was going to have to wait until July or August to be seen.  However, I found him another one that he had to drive a little farther to get to, but it worked out fine!

~ my sweet boy getting my help to find a certain book in the library.   Also, this week when I went to the store the lady was bagging my groceries and I grinned when I saw one of my reusable bags had yarn tied to it.  Over spring break my boy had used the bags in one of his adventures.  It made me smile to see it and think of him playing with it!

~ our pretty weather.  We've had both rain and sunshine this week.  It has been so nice!

~  trying a new yummy recipe.  I had seen this recipe before from a friend but  never tried it.  I made it this week.  It is super easy and tasted really good too! It's called Gooey Butter Cake

~ I have been thinking about the cross and the sacrifice of Jesus this week as Easter is coming.  I am thankful for His sacrifice and all He faced. 

Have a day of blessings!


Unknown said...

Wonderful list! SO happy to have met you. Beautiful blog background!

Denise said...

I pray you have a very blessed Easter.

Ms. Kathleen said...

Moles can be scary. My mom had some skin cancer moles removed. Fortunately they found them early. Praise God!

Have a blessed Easter :)