Thursday, March 29, 2012

Thankful Thursday

What are you thankful for this week?  There are so many blessings that fill our lives.  Take a moment today to be thankful!  We are meeting this week at Women Taking a Stand

This week I am thankful for...
~ my husband bringing home a Frosty from Wendy's for me.  It has been so long since I had one, and it was so good!  It was even in a new type of cup!

~ reading with my sweet boy at bedtime.  We enjoy this time so much!  Also, we found a new snack place this week for our Wednesday after school snack day.  :)  I love our time together!

~ the beautiful bluebonnets we have here this year.  We tried to take some pictures Sunday afternoon but the sun was so bright and Caleb was squinting.  I want to try again while they are still pretty.  I was remembering one year how we had a snow and took his picture in the snow covered bluebonnets!

~ seeing some family over the weekend and my father-in-law bringing his tiller to fix a spot for our garden. 

~ having some church friends over for lunch to celebrate an 88th birthday.

~ being able to participate as a family in a fundraising walk/run in memory of an ACU student killed in the November bus crash accident.

~ trying a new recipe from Pinterest in the crock pot for supper.  Yummy!  And also thankful for having leftovers to freeze for another meal. :) 

Also, today is the last day to sign up for a book giveaway.  Go to this post to comment for a chance to win an AMAZING book called Miracle for Jen.  I highly recommend this book. 

Have a day of blessings!


Denise said...

Love you my sweet friend.

Charlene said...

I love the idea of a special outing as part of a weekly routine with your child (wednesday snack day). How fun! We're always looking for ways to add a little something special to every day.

Karen said...

The crock pot meal sounds yummy. I cooked in the crock pot this week for the grandchildren. Have a wonderful week.

Tiffany Stuart said...

So much to be thankful for. I love Frosty's too. However lately, I am fond of a Coke Float there. Like a root beer float just with Coke. Yummy. Enjoy your week!