Saturday, February 11, 2012

My Valentine Wreath

I found an idea on Pinterest to make a Valentine wreath using the directions at this blog.  I got the stuff and made my own.  It was very fun and easy to make.  And I like how it turned out!
I started with one yard of material and a 13 in. round wreath (which I got at the Dollar Tree). 

I cut it into strips that were about 1/2 in. wide x 6 1/4 in. long.  This was not exact, I just guessed as I was cutting.

Then I tied the strips onto the vines of the wreath.  Tie each strip in a knot and fill up the wreath until you can't see any more of the vines.  It took me nearly the whole yard of material to cover my wreath. 

Here is the finished wreath.  I might add a foam heart to hang in the middle with fishing line, but I haven't done that yet!  It looks small in this picture but hanging on the wall it seems to be the right size! 

This was a fun, easy project.  I want to do another one with other material for another holiday or season. 

Have a day of blessings!