Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thankful Thursday

This month for Thankful Thursday we are meeting at Grace Alone with Iris.  Thank you Iris.

My heart has been sad to see all the pictures of the fires in Central Texas that have been posted and shared.  I have been praying for the fire fighters and for the families who have lost everything and face such devastation. 

This week I am thankful for...
~ my husband's safe travels as he has been doing a lot of driving this week in his area.

~ sharing some morning snuggles with my boy.  I love his cheerful disposition in the mornings (once he's gotten awake!) and the cute things he shares with me. 
~ Two times this week (once on the radio and once in a blog I read) I was reminded how as a body of believers when one person hurts, we all hurt together. I'm thankful for this body and the way we come together as a body when members are hurting. 

~ the cooler temperatures.  Over the Labor Day weekend we had a temperature drop.  Our highs have been in the 80s this week and it is such a relief after all the days in the 100s. 

~ having a productive week.  I like it when I feel like I get things accomplished off of my to do list.

Have a day of blessings!


tammi said...

So interesting that we're both rejoicing in 80s temps at the same time ~ but for VERY different reasons!! We are normally considerably cooler already (normal for this time is only 64), but our Canadian prairie summers are so stinkin' short and with temps generally staying under 90, that this week's "heat" has been a wonderful extension to what has been an unusually wonderful summer!

So awesome to both be thankful for the same thing for opposite reasons! ;) God IS good!!

Jane said...

YES~! The cooler weather is soooo wonderful. I almost forgot what it was like. ;)

susansspace said...

Have a happy weekend, Bethany!
I really like your background & the font is delightful!
Stay cool!

Allison said...

Thanks for stopping by, hope you have a fabulous weekend!