Monday, August 22, 2011

To my second grader...

To my Caleb,
As you told me a few weeks ago, it feels like summer went by in 2 seconds.  It really did feel like it went fast this year for some reason.  We did have a lot of fun together I think.  I enjoyed our lazy mornings and how many mornings you'd say "Can we play Wii?"  You'd start the game and then I'd come join you for a little Mario.  You tried to teach me the truck racing game but I wasn't so good at that!  You gave me so much help with laundry, carrying the dirty clothes from the hamper to the laundry room and folding the wash rags for me.  I loved how you would sort them and stack them by color.  We had our days to go to eat lunch with Daddy and go bowling and to the library storytime.  We had our grocery shopping trips where you would mark things off my list for me and remind me to go by the bakery to get a cookie and donut!

It seems hard for me to think that you are going to be a second grader!  Kindergarten was hard for me but 1st grade didn't seem as hard.  You did so well with the transition to your new school.  Now as I think about 2nd grade I have a little sadness, sort of like with kindergarten but not the same.  Maybe it is because when I was student teaching, I did part of my time in a 2nd grade class.  Now those kids are beginning college...I know how fast those years went between then and now and how soon you will be the college kid.  My first year of teaching was 2nd grade and the year I was pregnant with you I taught 2nd grade.  One of my favorite teachers was my own 2nd grade teacher.  I have a lot of 2nd grade memories and now that time is here for you as well.
As I think of second grade, I guess I also think how what comes next is 3rd grade and TAKS test (or whatever they call it by then) and a new campus.  This is our last year at the elementary campus, and it just reminds me that you are growing up.  I have been wondering what things you will like in the coming year and how your interests will change as you get older. 

I look forward to this year and pray you have a wonderful year as a 2nd grader!  Daddy and I are very proud of you and thankful you are our boy! 


Thank you for visiting my blog today. 
Have a day of blessings!


heididh33 said...

Sooooo sweet!

Momma said...

For some reason I kept thinking about when you were a 2nd grader! Maybe partly because you did have so many fun memories from that year!

Loren said...

Aww Bethany....This is Precious! Days to be cherished for sure!
You are such a wonderful momma ♥