Tuesday, August 2, 2011

31 days: Day 2

Day 2:   Let's pray for school boards.

School boards are faced with many decisions.

Pray for those who serve in this role will have wisdom.  Also that they will realize the importance of their role and remember their purpose to serve students and teachers without becoming caught up in politics as can so easily happen. 

Have a day of blessings!

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Loren said...


This is a wonderful thing! I will join you in praying for these specifics each day! Sooo very important and necessary!

We started something with our children years ago. On the night before school starts ( or around then ) we would take our kids to their school. We would also invite whomever wanted to come.... other students of that school along with their parents. We would join in a circle and ask the kids to voice their concerns...the fears..... etc. We would then pray over those concerns and cover them with what Gods says about them. They we would ask the kids what they would like to accomplish during that year . So after hearing all of their hopes we would pray over those as well.
We would also pray Gods protection over the school, the staff, etc. Kind of like what you are doing here just made it all inclusive on that night with the kids. It was always such a wonderful thing!

Love and Hugs!

Kristi said...

I love this! Thank you for sharing this. My man is on our school board and the last two meetings have been so stressful. What a wonderful reminder to pray for our other school board members too!