Monday, August 15, 2011

31 days Day 15

Day 15:  Let's pray for first year teachers.

I remember well preparing for my the first day of school in my first classroom.  What a busy, exciting time that was for me!  I was thankful to have a teaching job!

As part of my teacher education courses we talked a lot about first day experiences.  Routine is so important.  As a teacher you need to have things in place at the beginning of the year so you will have a solid start to the school year. Many times teachers are unprepared for the first of school because they've never experienced a first day before!  There are so many things you have to think about and plan. You learn as you go and write down things that worked or didn't work so you will know what to use or not use in the future.

Today pray for first year teachers. Pray for them to not be stressed by the many tasks they must complete before the first day.  Pray that they will be able to have the time and resources needed to set up their classroom.  Pray for them to be calm and not scared going into the first day.  Pray that their first year will be a success and they will touch many lives. 

Have a day of blessings!

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