Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Thankful Thursday!

It's time for Thankful Thursday again!  Join with us by linking at Grace Alone.

This week I am thankful for...
~ my friendship with my husband.  I was thinking this week how nice it is to be able to talk and laugh together with him about anything from my day.  He is such a great friend and I'm so blessed by his friendship.

~ my boy having fun in art camp this week.  I am excited to see what projects he has made at his art show on Friday.  He hasn't told me much about them yet because he wants to surprise us Friday!

~ receiving rain this week.  Everything is so dry here. 

~ finding good deals on clothes.  I found two pairs of pants recently for my husband for him to wear to work.  One was last week on our trip at my favorite consignment store (I miss that place!).  I saw a pair of khaki Dockers that were his size.  They were in really good shape and didn't looked used.  The tag said $8.  When I got to the front I saw that it had the orange tag therefore it was "half off of half" so I got those for $2!  And today I found a pair of navy pants for him marked down to $2 too! 

~ reading great, encouraging articles online.  I saw this article called "Motherhood as a Mission Field" linked on a blog I read.  I hope you are encouraged by it.

Also, I have a book giveaway.  Click here to enter this giveaway for a chance to win an autographed copy of book called To Win Her Heart by Karen Witemeyer.

Have a day of blessings!


Karen said...

We have so much to thank God for! I also love to get a bargain!

sharon said...

You have a wonderful list and I can really appreciate the first since I just spent some time with a broken woman who has spent almost 30 years in an abusive relationship. When we have good husbands, we shouldn't take that for granted.

Thanks for sharing.


jhunnelle said...

Great list, I love shopping when it's on sale too.

jhunnelle said...

Oh BTW I checked the website you linked, oh boy that's what i need to hear, I've been feeling guilty for not doing much in the ministry, i was enlightened by reading the article. Thank you for sharing it.

Cup of Goodness said...

I was thankful this week for a bargain too—shoes for $3.49! You'll find it posted before Thankful Thursday. ;)

Joanne@ Blessed... said...


Thank you for your sweet comment over at Blessed... a few days ago. So happy you were able to listen to the blog talk radio interview.

Blessings friend (keep writing for Him),

p.s. LOVE your blog!