Thursday, February 27, 2025

Thankful Thursday

~ my husband  getting some work done at the house when he took off last Friday so he was also able to go to Titus' events. 

~ getting to take our big boy lunch while he was working like I did in the "old days."  LOL

~ seeing our DIL at supper on Saturday at a cute choir performance and dinner we went to, she got a cute picture with one of the props too with Titus.

~ watching our little guy at his Hoops for Heart event! His team did great in their events.  He raised over $400 too for the American Heart Association with the event.  

~ getting to close on our house on Monday! We don't get the keys until tomorrow.

~ birthday cards in the mail that have been so sweet.  One was painted/stamped and the others had such sweet messages.  It made my day.

~ the progress we've made on packing this house and getting it ready to put it on the market.  I'm thankful for the work I did in the fall in clearing out before I even knew we were moving.  

Have a day of blessings! 

1 comment:

Debby@Just Breathe said...

So many things to be thankful for. Lovely post and congratulations on closing on the house. God Bless