Thursday, January 23, 2025

Thankful Thursday

It's been a cold week!  But no snow or ice for us.  Just really cold.  We saw a few snow flurries on the way to school on Tuesday.

This week I am thankful for...

~ that my husband and I had a quick date night to Braum's.  It just opened here recently.

~ when I see my son's name or hear his ring tone on the phone.

~ my DIL asking if they could cash in their coupon for supper that Titus gave them for Christmas.

~ helping my little guy with some homework and him telling me thank you for helping me after we were done.

~ getting to help at school with some interviews for 3rd graders.  It was cute to hear their answers.

~ all the things to keep us warm...the fire in the fire place, electric heat in our home, blankets, socks, heating pad on my lap.  

~  watching the Presidential Inauguration this Monday on television.

(Started this and forgot to finish and publish yesterday!)

Have a day of blessings! 

1 comment:

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

This is a good list of things to be thankful for and since I know it is pretty damn cold over there in parts watching the Inauguration on telly would be nicer then being there in person