Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1.  What was your favorite part about growing up in your hometown? 
It was a small town and we had a good school.  I went K-12 with a good group of kids, there were 57 in my graduating class.  

2. Do you prefer 'material' gifts or 'experience' gifts? If you answered experience, tell us about one you've received and truly enjoyed. 

I like both but as I have gotten older I want "things" less.  I like it when someone gets me something because they know what I like and they were thinking of me, not out of obligation for a holiday or birthday.  

Part of the gift in the past for our son and his girlfriend (now wife) are to do something together.  One year we went to a light show and last year we went to an Aaron Watson Christmas concert.  

3. Is brown a color featured prominently in your home decor? Your wardrobe? What's a favorite brown thing you own? Of the brown foods listed here which one is your favorite and/or most often consumed... brown sugar, brown rice, pretzels, coffee, dates, cloves, German chocolate cake, whole wheat bread?

Our wall paint is brown.  It was brown when we moved in and still brown.  Our couches are brown.  The carpet that is left is brown.  
I have a brown pair of dressy pants and a brown fuzzy jacket.

I had some brown sugar on my sweet potato for lunch so had that most recently.  I like pretzels and German Chocolate cake. 

Since we make our own flour I've gotten used to bread that isn't white or look like the bread I bought at the store.  (See #5)

4. Which 'Charlie Brown' character do you relate to most? If you're not sure, you can take a fun quick quiz by clicking here-Which Charlie Brown Character Are You?  or the one found here-Charlie Brown Quiz. I got the same answer on both. 

I took the quizzes and got two different answers.

You're Marcie, an introvert.--You're unassuming, sweet, and intelligent. A bookworm, you're super insightful, and you're usually the voice of reason within your friend group. Sure, you love your solitude, but you're not afraid to step up to the plate when it comes to helping your friends and family.
Sally--You’re super sweet and optimistic, and you're always down for an adventure. You usually act before thinking, though.

5. What's a favorite item you've purchased this year? 

I don't use it much (my husband does), but I'd say our WonderMill to mill our own flour and make our own bread.  The benefits have been great for us all.  

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

It's our DIL's birthday today.  She's a blessing to our family.  I had pictures in my memories today on FB from 2019 when they'd started dating.  They looked so young!  Time flies.  
I'm glad my son chose her for his wife.  She's a sweet big sis to our other son too!

Have a day of blessings! Bethany


ellen b. said...

That's so sweet to have a dear DIL. Happy Birthday to her. We have two wonderful DIL's and what a blessing that is to our whole family. 57 in your graduating class! No chance to hide at all. There were a few hundred in mine. Happy Hodgepodge!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sounds perfect. I went K - 8th grade and it was really nice. Yes, doing something together is a very nice gift. The brown sounds lovely in your home and I could go for some sweet potato with brown sugar. Yum! That's great that you make your own flour. Marcie sounds very sweet. Happy Birthday to your daughter in law.

Kym said...

I love doing things like concerts together as family Christmas gifts, and I agree about wanting "things" less as I get older. Happy Birthday to your DIL - I have two DILs that I love to pieces and both are good friends to the siblings. Hope you're having a great week!

Maria Rineer said...

That is so cool that you mill your own flour. The health benefits are likely immense! How great that you have such a good relationship with your DIL. I hope my son starts dating and then eventually marries a wonderful gal :).