Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Patriotic Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. It's a big week in the US of A as we celebrate Independence Day. Do you have any special plans? How will you mark the day? BBQ? pool-lake-beach time? fireworks? homemade ice cream? If you're not an American you can tell us what's happening in your corner of the world on Thursday. 
Our town had a festival over the weekend with fireworks both nights.  We went to watch the fireworks on Friday night.  We like to go to a neighborhood parade (not our neighborhood but nearby).  It is a fun tradition.  It is followed by going inside to the church gymasium to enjoy ice cream (some home made and some Blue Bell) as well as other cookies and treats.  

I did get a new patriotic t shirt this year I will wear.  

2. What's your favorite 'All-American' dessert? 

My husband said Big Red ice cream.  We need to make some of this!  It's been a while since we had it.  

3. Does that patriotic feeling come easily to you, or are you having to work for it more these days? What's something that makes you proud to be a citizen of your country?  

Yes I feel patriotic.  I do not like the direction our country is heading and a lot makes me sad.  But there is also a lot for which I am thankful.I feel proud when I see people joining together to help others when there is a need or tragedy  

4. Your favorite 'patriotic' movie? Favorite patriotic song? 

Movie: no idea! I don't watch many  movies.

Song:  Lee Greenwood "God Bless the  USA"

5. One simple pleasure on your July 'bucket list'? 

snowcones at the local snowone stand with my boy.....they put little plastic animals on the cups so we are seeing how many of those we can collect this summer!  

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I need to add a border to this quilt top. I finished this part today. It was fun to make. 

Happy July!  God bless USA!
Have a day of blessings! 


Debby@Just Breathe said...

Glad you went and watched the fireworks. I haven't heard of that ice cream. I don't like the direction our country is going in either. That sounds like fun with the snowcone cups. Your quilt is very pretty.

Kirstin said...

Okay, do tell...what is big red ice cream? I like that song too. It's always been a favorite. I like your answers. I love that quilt. Share a photo when it's done.