Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. It's National Cheese Day (June 4)...does anyone not like cheese? What's your favorite? Last thing you ate or made with cheese? 
My oldest is not a fan of cheese.  He does eat it on pizza but never on tacos or burgers.  
I don't try many cheeses....I always get cheddar, american, colby jack, mozzarella mainly.  My youngest liked cheese sticks in his lunch this year.

I put a little bit of grated cheese on a salad.  I don't get it on burgers, I don't like paying extra for  it and don't love how it tastes if it's not melted correctly.  Sometimes I will at home when we make burgers.  

2. Last time you were instructed to 'say cheese!'? How do you feel about having your picture taken? We had lots of pictures taken at the wedding.  I'm excited to see all of them! 
I don't mind being in pictures typically but I am not one to take a lot of selfies.  

3. What's your travel packing strategy? Are you typically a light packer or do you throw in everything but the ktichen sink? When flying do you check a bag or aim for carry on only? 

I always pack too much!  I have to limit myself, especially when traveling by car, in how many bags of "extras" I take. I always have to my books with me.  I usually like to take my "activity" bag too...such as my coloring stuff or some small piece I'm hand quilting.  

When we went to Alaska (last time to fly) we checked our bags.  

4. What is it about people's cell phone habits that you find most annoying? 

When parents give little ones a phone to occupy them instead of interacting with in a shopping cart, watiting room, or restaurant.  

My husband finds it annoying when people put their phone calls on speaker phone and you can hear their entire conversation.

5. What will be your summer mantra/slogan? 

Don't have something scheduled everyday!

Example:  Monday morning Titus had baseball camp for 1.5 hours then we were at home the rest of the day until time for VBS.  It was nice to get things done, relax, and spend time together.  He made a big mud puddle in the back yard too which was fun for him.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

My hubby and I celebrated our 23rd anniversary over the weekend.  We had a little weekend getaway and got a new car for him.  This meant I drove our van home....I do not like driving in the big cities but I was proud of myself for being able to do this!  He got a Rav4.  His other vehicle had over 200,000 miles so it was time to look for sometime different.  This will be mine we think once we get rid of the van.  I do not like vehicle shopping or any part of the process.  We did have a very nice salesman who was not pushy at all which I very much appreciated.

Have a day of blessings!


Joyce said...

I always have tote bags with me on car trips too. Hubs doesn't get it, but I need some books to read and this and that and tote bags work best. We are starting the car search process and it's not my favorite. Enjoy your week!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I love string cheese too! I don't care that much for pictures of me anymore but I can not take selfies at all. I always overpack. I do check my bags and take too much when traveling by car. I really don't like to see kids with phones. I agree with your husband on the speakers. Why do they do it??? That's a good one for your montra. I am trying not to have a lot of appointments with doctor's this summer. Happy Anniversary and hooray for the new car.

Susan said...

Hi Bethany, I think the same as you when it comes to no cheese on a hamburger when eating out. I might add it to a homemade burger. I take my Bible journaling bag with me when we are in a car. I take a backpack when we fly. Congratulations on your anniversary and new car!

Kirstin said...

Boy, I'm really late commenting on this one. I'm on vacation so didn't post to this weeks, so I figured I'd go back and comment on this HP. I enjoyed your answers...I agree about speaker phone. I try to be so conscious of those around me.