Thursday, June 27, 2024

Thankful Thursday

Boy is it hot!  Summer time! Today I am thankful for....

~ my husband taking my van to be looked at from the damage (see below) and making sure I had a vehicle to drive when I needed it this week.  

~ when my oldest came to the camper and asked did I want breakfast and showed me the fish he caught. Also the food he cooked was good at the river this past weekend.

~ messages from my DIL while she is on her trip out of the country.  

~ seeing my little guy have fun with his cousin, making memories and getting so dirty!

~ time at the river with my husband's side of the family.  Also safe travel and safety there for us all.  We hit a deer on the way as we were nearly to the campsite.  My front bumper is dented.  

~ having a new little pen pal that likes to get mail from "Mrs. Bethany."  

~ being able to have "home days" this week.

Have a day of blessings!

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