Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thankful Thursday

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, even if it looks different this year than in other years.  We have had so many changes and uncertainty this year.  Yet there is still so much for which we can give thanks.

Today I am thankful for...
~ my husband being able to go to the doctor and find out he had a sinus infection....we had assumed this is what it was because he usually has this trouble every year.  But we were thankful he went to the doctor and verified what it was....and that it wasn't Covid.  He didn't have those symptoms.

~ my big boy having new experiences.  He got to help with the birth of a calf.  

~ my little guy being excited and happy having 9 days off from school.  He was so cute telling us about it.  He said he did think he would miss his friends though.  His smile and enthusiasm is wonderful!

~ getting to have a Tuesday errand day with both my boys.  I made a list of stops.  Caleb drove me around and I'd run in.  It was fun having them with me.  We got an ice cream treat too.

~ fun time at the deer lease with my boys last weekend.  I'm thankful we have our camper to stay in when we are there.   Caleb and Dad had fun hunting. 

~ doing online shopping this week!  I have found great deals (not just for gifts) at my regular online shopping places.  

Happy Thanksgiving!

Have a day of blessings! 

1 comment:

Debby@Just Breathe said...

So glad it wasn't Covid. Our son, who has this so called bubble, recently burst with someone testing positive for Covid. Adam, Gabby and James were quarantined for 14 days. Their tests were negative but a few other's in the bubble were positive. Everyone is doing well. What a great experience for Caleb. I just did some online shopping yesterday and this morning.