Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Wednesday Hodgepodge

From this Side of the Pond 
1. What happens to the mail at your house?  I like the get the mail.  I open it and throw away the envelopes or shred them if they have our address on them.  Then I leave it on the counter for my husband, even the junk.  Then we throw away the junk after he sees it. 

2. Something you always splurge on? Any guilt associated with the splurge? I don't splurge very often!  I feel getting a pedicure is a splurge, I don't do that very often. 

3. There are many, but what are two important questions you think every bride and groom should ask/answer before they plan their walk down the aisle?  Yes there are many!  I believe premarital counseling is very important.  

Two that come to mind:
What are your thoughts on children and how many you want to have?
Will both spouses work?

4. What's the best advice your father ever gave you? The first thing that came to mind is how my Dad would always pray for me if I told him I wasn't feeling well.  I remember many times him kneeling by my bed to say a prayer for me if I had an upset stomach or something.

5. Your favorite movie where a father features heavily in the storyline? Most recently it would be "I Can Only Imagine."  I got to see it with Caleb a few weeks ago and it is a very good story/movie.  I look forward to watching it again at home now that it is out.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Our summer is busy and not too restful so far! I'm glad to have Caleb at home. He started summer conditioning workouts this week from 8-10.  We volunteered at the set up for the library together this week.  Titus helped too and was a great little worker!  Caleb moved so MANY boxes of books.  They are not very big boxes but very heavy filled with books.  He was sore after that on top of his working out at the school. Next week he goes to church camp. 

Have a day of blessings!


Debby@Just Breathe said...

I go for a pedicure about every 5 weeks or so. In fact I'm going today and meeting a friend for lunch. Those are good questions for a new bride and groom. That is so sweet about your dad praying for you. Haven't seen that movie yet. You definitely sounds busy! Hope it slows down a little bit.

ellen b said...

Hello Bethany, I enjoyed reading your hodgepodge. How wonderful that your father modeled prayer for you so personally, sweet.

Patti said...

Hi, I am visiting from the Hodgepodge. It's nice to meet you.

What a blessing to have a praying father and to have memories of him praying at your bedside. How beautiful!

Enjoy the summer with your sweet kiddoes.

Patti @ Celebrating Our Days

Allstarme79 said...

I said pedicure too; I think it's worth it.

Unknown said...

WhT a great dad to pray for you. That is a man to model. Have a great weekend.