This week I am thankful for.
~ my husband being home this week. We got to have lunch together Wednesday which I always enjoy and value our time together.
~ so many things about my big boy I love and appreciate. One is the conversations we have had this week regarding a certain class and teacher. Also his thoughts on cell phone use by his classmates is interesting to hear. (It really makes me sad actually to hear his observations about them.)
~ our growing baby 9 month old. He turned 9 months old this week and had his well child check. He is growing and a strong boy. He's so happy and loving. He makes the cutest faces and is so fun to watch as he plays and explores.
~ our family lesson this week was on Psalm 89:1. We asked how God had been faithful and it was neat to remember. Wednesday was the anniversary of our first miscarriage so it felt fitting to remember God's faithfulness to us during that time and to see our two boys together on the living room floor with us now.
~ being prepared for meals this week. I was happy that I thought to get out meat to thaw in advance. We've had a nice variety of meals this week....
Monday--spaghetti that Caleb helped make
Tuesday--ham, mashed potatoes
Wednesday--tater taco casserole
Thursday--4 ingredient ranch chicken tacos (for crock pot....this is a new one for me. It smells good as it is cooking.)
~ sunny days to enjoy in the winter.
Have a day of blessings!

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