I have completed a wonderful book called Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World by Kristen Welch. Visit her website here. I've read her blog for many years as well as her previous book Rhinestone Jesus so I was excited to be able to read this new book.
There's no question our society as a whole has an entitlement mentality. I've witnessed this multiple times in my life, and it's just everywhere really in all different age groups. In this book the author shares her experiences with her own family off what they do to raise grateful kids. She admits it is not easy to be different from the world, but as Christians that is who we are supposed to be. I appreciate her honesty as a Mom that she is not an expert and doesn't have everything figured out.
The book is easy to read with 4 parts divided into ten chapters. Each ends with practical ideas of how to implement the ideas in your own family with ideas for parents, toddlers/preschoolers, elementary aged, and tweens/teens.
I marked a lot in this book as I read and gained some wonderful ideas to incorporate in our family. I want my husband to read it next, and I plan to reread it too at some point because it just has so much good stuff.
You can pre-order a copy for yourself today. Visit this website for more information about the special offer for when you pre-order.
This book was provided to me by the Tyndale reviewers program for my honest review. Thank you.
Have a day of blessings!

good review
I agree with you, this entitlement needs to stop. I'm afraid my children were raised at the cusp of the millennials and our daughter feels very entitled. Our son not at all. I like the quote you shared.
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