Thursday, May 14, 2015

Another Thankful Thursday

I have all these other blog posts written in my head but just don't ever seem to get them typed.  I do have one about Titus' name that I worked on for several days that is ready to share I think.  I am just enjoying our baby boy and know blogging can wait.  I do like to make a point to do Thankful Thursday each week though!

This week I'm linking up over at Marsha's Musings.  I may have met Marsha originally through Thankful Thursday, I can't recall for sure.

Marsha's Musings
I am thankful for...

~ my husband working to provide for our family and also how he works to keep up with things at home like the dishes and laundry.

~ my son being chosen as a 5th grade tour guide this week for when the 2nd graders came over to view the campus.  He was so excited about this, and I'm sure he did a good job.  Next week he will go to tour his campus for next year.

~ our one month old boy!  It doesn't seem like a month has passed already. He is such a blessing!  I just love to sit and look at him as he looks at me or sleeps in my arms.

~ my Mom coming to help us again. My husband had a quick overnight trip he was asked to go to so she came to be with us.  It was so helpful to have her here, and we appreciate her being available.

~ having insurance. As I see the costs of the recent hospital stay for the birth of Titus, I am surprised at how much things cost. And it makes me thankful for the insurance and that we are just paying a copay.

~ taking hot showers. I have missed taking baths during the end of my pregnancy and in my recovery, but I am glad for our shower.

Have a day of blessings!


Unknown said...

I'm glad to meet you with Thankful Thursday, I love the purple! Congratulations on your new baby boy and to your eldest for being chosen as tour guide. I look forward to exploring your blog more soon :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is an excellent list of things to be grateful for! Enjoy your weekend.