This week I am thankful for...
~ my husband taking me to my doctor appointment on Monday. We had a nice day together. I liked when I looked through the glass from the lab into the waiting room as I was having blood work done and our eyes connected.
~ my boy's smile when he felt a big kick from the baby. He has felt lighter kicks before, and this week felt a really big one. He smiled so big, and it was so sweet to see.
~ another positive appointment for the baby and passing my glucose test. Hooray!
~ new freezer meals from my Mom. She made us several types, and they are so nice to have when I am not feeling like making supper!
~ short week. It has been a fast week since both of my boys were off from work/school on Monday.
~ seeing the school and community come together to raise money to help one of the teachers fighting cancer. They had a silent auction and hamburger supper, and it seemed there was a good turnout.
Have a day of blessings!

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