This week I am thankful for...
~ my husband always being willing to help me with whatever I need, including making sure my car has gasoline in the tank.
~ seeing my boy as the 4H President. We had a meeting this week, and it made my heart proud to see him lead the meeting.
~ my growing belly. The maternity clothes are fitting differently now, and others can tell I'm pregnant! My next appointment is Monday, and then I start going every two weeks!!
~ the sun shining through the window today. It has been a cold, cloudy, dreary week so it is nice to see the sun again.
~ lower gas prices. They have been nice and I wonder how long they will stay longer; however, I do know that the lower prices will have an impact on oilfield families here.
~ always having good books to read, both print versions and audio. I finished up a couple audio books after not listening to them over Christmas break when my boy was home and found another to request to review. It has been fun to be able get the children's books to review too, I have a couple posts of really good ones coming up in the next few weeks.
Thanks for stopping by! What is on your thankful list today?
Have a day of blessings!

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