Saturday, December 1, 2012

2012 Giving Thanks Challenge

Here is my list for the entire month of November.
2012 Giving Thanks Challenge

1. a new month and reading through the lists from past years.
2. electricity, water, and food to eat....something many people are without.
3. the relaxing, quiet calm of being away from the city, looking up to see the stars, hearing the night time noises of insects.
4. our home and the memories we've made here together.
5. washer & dryer as well as my clothesline to use on beautiful days like today
6. lunch dates with my husband.
7. my cousins.
8. my wonderful husband. He's my best friend, takes such good care of us, makes me smile, works hard every day, is a great Dad...I could go on and on. :)
9. my Caleb. I feel so blessed to be his Mom. I have learned so much from him; I am thankful for his sensitive heart, that he is healthy ,and the sound of his laughter.
10. a found DVD.
11. my boy leading two songs tonight. Also for my "Secret Sister" and her encouragement, prayers, and fun surprises.
12. finding my clean, folded clothes to put away when I got home tonight. Made me smile! My husband is wonderful!
13. coats, heaters in house and car, hot baths, and fuzzy socks.
14. to fill shoeboxes as a family for Operation Christmas Child.
15. for going to the Thanksgiving lunch at school with my boy.
16. a beautiful fall afternoon to play tag and take a walk with my boy after school.
17. electricity.
18. attending a community Thanksgiving service.
19. a nice evening outside playing ball (in the dark) with my boys.
20. God's neverending love and forgiveness.
21. safe travel.
22. special Thanksgiving memories.
23. pecans in my freezer.
24. grandparents...both mine and Caleb's.
25. God's Word and being able to read it.
26. time with my boy after school as he was doing his homework and then reading to me. (Most days he wants to read to himself.)
27. my parents and the love they've always given me through the years.
28. Christmas cards in the mail.
29. our vehicles.
30. being a stay at home Mom and able to volunteer at my boy's school.

Have a day of blessings!


Karen said...

We do have so much to be thankful for!
Have a blessed December!

sister sheri said...

What a great way to remember!

BARBIE said...

So many things to be thankful for. I never want to take anything for granted. Thank you for sharing!