Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Thankful Thursday!

Thank you for visiting today on another Thankful Thursday.  We are meeting this month over at Women Taking a Stand.  Join us today in giving thanks!!

Today I am thankful for many things.  Here is my list:

~ my sweet husband and the ways he shows me he loves me every day.  I love how he knows how to make me smile.  He is so good at that!  I'm so thankful for him and blessed that he is my husband. 

~ my boy's excitement about his school program.  They are performing songs about Texas and each class is doing a dance.  He has been so excited about it all week.  We look forward to seeing them perform.  Also, I'm so thankful he is feeling better this week.  He is coming to my bed in the mornings which he didn't do when he was so tired last week after being sick.

~ productive days at home.  I spent much of Wednesday morning cleaning bathrooms, mopping, and doing laundry.  It is nice feel good and be able to have productive days.

~  having an audio book to listen to as I fold clothes.  Right now I'm listening to a book called The Scent of Cherry Blossoms by Cindy Woodsmall.

~ ears to hear the birds singing and eyes to see the blossoms on the trees and a squirrel playing in a tree.  He was looking at me as I went to get the mail and stayed in the same position as I went back inside and grabbed the camera.  I was afraid he was going to run so I didn't get any closer to take the picture. 

Have a day of blessings!


susansspace said...

Such a sweet list of thankfulness!
Cute squirrel pic, also. He's a different color from our NC squirrels, but probably just as much of a nuisance, huh?
Enjoy the rest of your week!

Denise said...

I love the way you love your husband and son, bless you.

Ms. Kathleen said...

What a cute photo. It looks like spring there! You have some wonderful thanks and so many blessings! Have a great tomorrow :)