Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thankful Thursday

We are meeting for Thankful Thursday in February over at Grace Alone with Iris. 

It looks like it's been a week since I put anything on my blog.  I guess it's just been one of those types of weeks for me!  It's been a different few days here.  We are praying to all be well soon!  Caleb has a cough, and my husband had strep throat.  I met the boys at the walk-in clinic Sunday after church because Caleb had thrown up in the night.  I was pretty sure it was from his allergies and drainage.  He used to do this all the time but hasn't since we've lived in this house.  They tested him for strep and flu and both were negative.  Then on Tuesday my husband was feeling so bad that he went to the doctor, and he did have strep!  So today after this week I am thankful for our health and that we aren't normally sick around here.   

Today I am thankful for...
~ my husband being a good Daddy to care for our boy.  Sunday morning I was teaching class so he stayed home with Caleb and then took him to the doctor.  And on the way home he got me a peach tea from Rosa's and that made me smile! 

~  being able to hold my boy while he goes to sleep.  I just savor the moment of having him on my lap as he sleeps so peacefully.  The past two nights I have held him so he is more propped up and doesn't cough and goes right to sleep and sleeps soundly.  Then we move him to his bed (which can be a challenge as he is so heavy now!).   

~ being encouraged this week in so many ways by encouraging music, emails from my Mom, and blog posts I've read.  I read several when I was feeling overwhelmed and discouraged that reminded me I'm not the only Mom to have ever felt this way.  That was encouraging to me.

~ reading while waiting in car line in the afternoons.  I enjoy this time of quiet so much and look forward to going early and reading! 

~ finding some good buys at an estate sale last Friday.  I went back after school with Caleb and he had fun looking too.  I think I found a new "hobby."  It made me think of my Dad and father-in-law and wonder what treasures they'd find because they both like going to sales. 

Have a day of blessings!


Aisling said...

Not surprised you haven't been blogging with all that going on.

Denise said...

I love you sweet friend, you bless my heart. Thanks for the Valentine card, the hearts inside made me smile. Praying for your family to feel much better.

susansspace said...

So sorry to hear that your 'boys' have been sick! Hope both are well soon!
Praying for healing of cough, colds & strep at your house, & a restful weekend for all of you!
I love your pretty, cheery new background, by the way!


Kate @ Teaching What Is Good said...

Sickness really takes its toll on us Moms, no matter WHO is sick! Praying right now that you all regain your health quickly!
