Saturday, February 18, 2012

One more Valentine post!

I realized I forgot to share in my Valentine post yesterday about my sweet Valentine's my husband gave me.  Valentine's is special for us because on February 13, 1998 he gave me a card (as we were eating lunch in the school cafeteria with friends before both of us going our separate directions home) asking him to be his Valentine.  The funny thing is I didn't say "yes" until I got back to college that Sunday!

Every year he makes me a chocolate chip cheesecake around Valentine's Day.  It has become a tradition because one year the church we attended had a Valentine party with a contest for the men to make desserts.  Since then he's been making the cheesecake for me.  It is SO good!!  I look forward to it every February!

On Valentine's morning he gave me my card and also a new alarm clock/iPod charger like this.  My other one had a short in it so it was not properly charging or playing the iPod.  It makes me happy to have this new one.  It has features that my other one did not have which I like also. 
(picture from Best Buy site)

And I can't forget Caleb's Valentine's to me on Valentine's morning.  He made me a card.  They have been learning the proper form of writing letters at school so he wrote me a letter in the card that was so so sweet.  He also painted me a sun catcher with a lighthouse on it.

I love my sweet boys and appreciate that they make me feel loved every day! 

Have a day of blessings!


David C Brown said...

It is good to enjoy being loved.

John 21: 20.

Pepperz said...

I have never had a valentine in my life and I've stopped letting it bother me because I know that one day when I am married then I will experience joy like yours.
God bless you and its good that you appreciate God's grace to you for giving you such love.

PS I have been a secret follower for about a year now and I find your blog very inspiring and a blessing. Keep up the good work, our God will reward. Thank you and God bless

susansspace said...

Chocolate chip cheesecake....YUM! What a nice tradition you've got going there! Glad all of you had such a great Valentine's Day!