Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thankful Thursday

My heart is filled with so much gratitude today for all the blessings of the Lord.  Join us for Thankful Thursday over at Grace Alone this month. 

Today I am thankful for...
~ my husband.  This morning I called to thank him for all he did last night.  When he got home I was about to cut up the chicken for chicken fajitas.  He got home just in time to do that part (that he knows I don't like very much but can do if I "have" to) and then cooked the meal too while I finished up some treat bags for his coworkers.  It made me smile this morning to see he had also cleaned out a pan.  I'd baked this week, and after dividing up the treats, some of the bars were stuck around the edges.  He had cleaned all that off for me to make it so much easier to wash.  So sweet!

~ my boy.  I'm so thankful he's healthy and such a happy, loving, sensitive boy.  The things he has told me this week touch my heart.  We've told him about the baby that we have in Heaven, his big sister.  This week he randomly started talking about her and it just touched me. 

~ getting to be the "room Mom" in my boy's class.  I love that the kids know me, and I appreciate their hugs when they see me.  Today I got to go for the class party and help them make wreath ornaments. 

~ surprises in the mail!  I've received three different ones this week, besides all the fun Christmas cards we are getting.  Monday night our doorbell rang, and we had a delivery from a friend.  She sent us all three gifts, so thoughtful and unexpected!  I got a caroling Christmas wall clock.   Then in the mail Wednesday I had a fat envelope with a Precious Moments return address.  I wasn't expecting anything.  As a member of their collector's club they had sent some little gifts to commemorate their 30th anniversary.  It made me smile and I had the thought that it felt like a little surprise from Peepaw as he was the one who got me started on Precious Moments.  The gifts were a reusable bag, magnet, window cling, and pretty Christmas ornament. 

~ the pretty lights decorating so many houses all over town.  The white lights on the trees in the yard across the street look so pretty twinkling in our front door window and make me smile. 

~ oh and one more I can't forget adding!  I was so excited to see a friend in Michael's this week that I haven't seen in years!  When I was in college I babysat her daughter after school and she was also the flower girl in our wedding.  It was so nice to see he, see pictures of her grown up daughter and catch up. 

Have a day of blessings!


Ms. Kathleen said...

What wonderful thanks. I am too thankful for my wonderful husband. Meeting up with old friends is awesome. I wish I lived closer to many of mine.

God Bless and Merry Christmas!

Denise said...

Sweet blessings.