Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Happy December!

December is off to a busy start.  I always love this time of year and the memories associated with our traditions. 

December 2 is the day my husband asked me to be his wife back in 2000.  This year we were blessed to go to a Casting Crowns concert that night.  I ordered our tickets back in October I think and found a free hotel room using some points I'd earned from taking online surveys!  We loved the concert.  I will share some of my favorite songs from the new "Come to the Well" CD here on my blog sometime. 

Sunday afternoon after church we bought our Christmas tree.  The boys got it in the stand and put the lights on.  My husband went to put the star on top and was trimming a branch to make the star fit when he snipped a wire of the lights so the lights had to be replaced! 

We woke up Monday morning to this....
Caleb was so excited and had a plan to throw snowballs at Daddy when he got out of his truck after work.  There was some snow left after school so he threw a few at me.  Then when it was close to time for Daddy to get home he went back out, and his plan worked.  He really caught Daddy by surprise! 

We got to finish decorating the tree Monday evening.  I believe this was the first time I've ever decorated a Christmas tree when there was snow on the ground outside!  Caleb and I also set out my Precious Moments Nativity.  I love to see how he will place each piece. 

I love taking all the ornaments out of the boxes and thinking about the special memories associated with each one...the people that have given them or why they were bought.  We buy a family ornament each year to represent something from that year.  It made me smile to find the one from last year I'd bought that said "God Bless Our New Home" with a slot for a picture of us.  When I first saw it in the store I wasn't sure if we'd have our new home by Christmas so it was special to get to hang that on the tree this year.  Our ornament from this year is one we bought in Colorado on our fun family vacation there this summer. 

I have many things on my list that need to get done.  This week I'm working on Christmas cards and our family letter.  The things on my list honestly don't stress me out.  I try to plan and set goals for what I can realistically accomplish in a day and work towards that.  I like having the list written down and being able to cross things off the list as they get done.  It also helps me see what needs to be done so I can space it out and not leave too much till I don't have time to accomplish anything! 

One new thing we are doing this year is a Jesse tree.  I will have to do another blog post about that sometime. 

I hope you are enjoying the month of December!  Make happy memories!  Don't become consumed with things you think you have to get done instead of enjoying the season!

Have a day of blessings!

1 comment:

Girl Schmuck said...

I would love to hear Details of a Jesse Tree. Are you doing any Advent calendars or Advent readings with your family? Any special holiday baking? We plan on making gingerbread houses and trees a few days before Christmas when the kids are home from School. Thank you for your beautiful blog and love for our Lord. Have a very blessed holiday.

Girl Schmuck