Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas 2011

We have been enjoying Christmas, and it seems to continue!  Last week we went to visit my Mom.  We opened our gifts when we arrived Tuesday night.  Wednesday we spent the day enjoying our gifts mostly.  I looked through my new cookbooks and some new sets of cards.  This is one of the cookbooks I received.  I love Taste of Home cookbooks.  My Mom gets me a different one most years! 

On Thursday morning we went to the cemetery to put out the Christmas tree at Peepaw's grave site as we do each year.  In the afternoon we had a Christmas lunch with my Meemaw and later my cousin came over.  We came home on Friday morning.  The temperature dropped and we saw snow on Saturday.  However, it was not very much and did not stick.  It was still pretty to watch as it came down.  Caleb managed to find some snow though to make some snowballs and throw them at the window. 

Saturday night (Christmas Eve) we went out to have dessert.  We have a tradition to go out to eat dessert and then look at Christmas lights on Christmas Eve.  This year we went to Logan's and shared the HUGE brownie fudge sundae.  Caleb opened one gift when we came home.  It was a recorder for him to learn to play tunes. 

Sunday morning we went to get Caleb out of bed and opened our stockings and gifts.  Then we had biscuits and chocolate gravy for our breakfast before getting ready for church services.  We came home to a nice meal (my Meemaw had given us a ham so we ate that with some leftover vegetables from my Mom's plus desserts!) and spent the rest of the day at home. 

Daddy and Caleb worked a long time on this, K'Nex Rippin' Rocket 2 Coaster.  It is a neat but took a long time to put together!  Caleb has had fun with it. 

Monday we put up the tree and decorations and then went to some sales.  I got some decorations for next  year. 

Tuesday we had a visit from my Dad and his friend Jan.  We had lunch, and I fixed him a birthday cake (his birthday is on the 1st) using a recipe from my new book called German Chocolate Cheesecake.  They gave Caleb this fun game "UNO Roboto."  We played it several times tonight and had a lot of fun playing and laughing. 

We will continue the fun as we visit with more family over the weekend!  I hope you are having a good week. I've loved having both of my boys home for a few days.   
Have a day of blessings!

1 comment:

Mocha with Linda said...

I enjoyed reading about your Christmas. Enjoy the remainder of your week!