Friday, July 8, 2011

Book reviews: Two children's books

I have a pair of books to share with you today:  The Spirit in Baseball and The Spirit in Football by Kathryn Nixon and Ana Boudreau.

 From the publisher:
Sometimes, when we think about little league sports, the first thing that comes to mind are pushy coaches and over-competitive parents.  However, there are many positive character qualities that children can develop while playing team sports.

The books are based on Galatians 5:22-23, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.”

My thoughts: 
I was excited to receive these two books to read with my little boy since he enjoys sports.  The books are similar in that their format and illustrations.  They have unique examples to exemplify each of the fruit. 

As far as the illustrations, my son thought it was fun to find the hidden fruit on each page.  The layout is such that the name of the fruit is listed with a Bible verse on one side and the opposite page has a picture with an example of that fruit in action.  Like for patience in the baseball book it says "I am Patient and happy to wait until it is my turn to bat." 

These books would be nice for your church library or personal library if you enjoy sports. 

Thank you to Audra from B & B Media Group for sending these for my review.  I received them a while back and thought in my head that these reviews aren't due until July.  Well here it is July and I forgot to get them up! 

Have a day of blessings!

1 comment:

Pamela said...

My grandson played in little league this summer for the first time. I was surprised how laid back and non-competitive it was. I'm thrilled to find these books. Thank you for showing them to us.
