Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thankful Thursday

My heart has been feeling full of blessings this week as we got to come visit our previous city.  Caleb and I have had a fun time visiting with friends from when we lived here while Daddy had a meeting. 

This week I'm thankful for...
~ my husband having his boss tell him he's doing a good job at his meeting.

~ seeing my son's confidence.  He asked at lunch if he could shake the hand of the police man at the next table and stood and talked to him for several minutes.  He doesn't hesitate to go ask the front desk lady at the hotel for a swim towel.

~ all the hugs we received when we visited at our old church Wednesday night.  It was so nice to see all those familiar faces and be missed by them!

~ that this trip was in summer so Caleb and I could come along.

~ swimming together at the pool.

**Also I have a giveaway I'm doing.  Check out the previous link to sign up for 5 boxes of cereal. 

Have a day of blessings!


Cindy said...

Great list. Such sweet little everyday blessings.

Love your blog, it looks so summery and fun. Can't help but feel happy here. :)


Misty said...

Great list of things to be thankful for. Thank you for sharing.


susansspace said...

So glad you had such a happy week!
It's always nice to visit a former church and reconnect with friends there!
Sounds like your boy is growing up and gaining confidence!
Hope you enjoy your summer together!