Friday, March 18, 2011

Flashback Friday:

Welcome to Flashback Friday! I am happy to host today for Mocha with Linda.

This week we are remembering our childhood pets. Here are some questions you may want to consider:
Did you have any pets when you were a child? What were they? Did you have a
favorite pet? What was the pet's name? Where did you get it? Did it live inside
or outside? Whose responsibility was it to care for the pet? What special things
did you do with your pet? Did the pet go on trips with you? How long did you
have the pet? Did you ever have a pet that died? What was your reaction to
losing the pet? Did your family ever have any unusual pets? Did you ever have
class pets at school?

My flashback:
I had many pets when I was a child. I wish I had the old pictures to scan to go along with this!

One was a cat. I don't really remember much about this cat, just things from pictures and what I've been told. I would put the cat on a leash and walk it.

We had some unusual pets through my childhood. When I was very small we had ducks. They roamed around the yard and often left messes on the porch. My Mom told me one time at supper we had spinach. I said "ewwww, what did the duck do?" pointing to the spinach on my plate.

Another pet was a cow named Joey. I remember many calves we would bottle-feed and raise them for the meat when they were older. Joey was a big baby. He would always come up to the fence and slobber on us, even after he was grown. My Mom wasn't sure how I would handle it when it was time to take Joey to the butcher. She was always honest with me though and told me what was going to happen. One night we were eating supper and I had a thoughtful look on my face. My Mom said they were holding their breath, thinking I would be upset if I thought we were "eating Joey." She said I was eating and said "I wonder which part of Joey they cut this off of." We laugh about this today.

Oh and one more pet that was a big baby was a Nubian goat named George. One of my classmate's family raised raised goats. One of their goats had triplets. The momma goat wasn't taking care of George so we took him home with us. He was named George because he was born on George Washington's birthday. He lived in a box in our kitchen for a long time. As he got stronger he would stand up in his box and start making a loud baaaaing sound anytime he heard the microwave because that was the sound he associated with his warm milk. He was always very friendly to us. He'd always try to jump up on us when we were in the pen with him.

We lived out in the country and always had a bunch of cats (always outside). One was a calico named Daisy. She was always tame and would rub on our legs and let us pet her.

We had many dogs through the years. It seemed several of them died from parvo. We had a dalmatian one time. He was a stray. I think he'd been abused because he was always fearful around men. Another was a black cocker spaniel named Buffy Lynn. We had her for many years. She got old and deaf and her teeth were falling out. One day my Dad came in with a sad look on his face. He had moved his truck and accidentally run over her. She was so old she hadn't heard him and didn't get out of the way. He felt so bad. I didn't get too sad about it, I guess because she was old and I kind of expected her to die. That sounds bad to say but that is just how I felt.

My favorite, best pet ever was my dog named Bambi Taylor. She was an Eskimo Spitz. I never loved a dog like I loved Bambi and have never loved another one like I loved her. She had a round red bed she slept in beside my bed. One time she had puppies in that little bed, which was so exciting! I had a box of Lincoln Logs and one day Bambi chewed the corner of the box. I still have those and think of her when I see the chewed corner. She would sit in my little rocking chair and eat my snowcone off a spoon.

One evening we were at Peepaw's house. When we got home there was a note taped to our door from our neighbors. They had been outside and Bambi was bitten by a rattlesnake. They took her to our local vet where they kept her overnight. She died from that bite. I was heartbroken over this loss. I have never become attached to any other pet since then.

Whew, that may be my longest flashback ever! I kept thinking of more memories!

Link up below with your memories of your pets. I hope I did this linky correctly! I look forward to visiting and reading the memories you share.

Have a day of blessings!


Kathy said...

I enjoyed reading your memories this mornng, especially about the goat who recognized the sound of the microwave!
Thanks for hosting the Flashback today, so we could still have it! Have a great weekend :)

~ Bonnie ~ said...

I enjoyed reading these memories and had to awwwwwwwww remembering them!
You treated Bambi like she was your playmate rather than a dog!
But we all did love her!

Zoanna said...

I can just see your Bambi sitting in the your rocker eating a snowcone off a spoon. What a sweet and vivid memory. And my mom had a dog who died of a snakebite. He too, was her favorite dog ever.

I'm here from Joyce's. I might do a belated post this weekened on this favorite of topics for me. Today we had a scare--our golden was bitten by a spider, probably. His face swelled up like a St. Bernard's, eyes half closed, neck enlarged. Vet said it was good we rushed him in. His trachea was starting to close. My 9 year old couldn't hold back his tears, but now the dog is fine.

Still swollen a little, but it hasn't slowed him down.