Monday, March 21, 2011

Book review: One Thousand Gifts

How can I even begin to share about this wonderful book with you? A while back I posted a link to a video about this book. You can click here to see that if you'd like. I received this book from a giveaway from Grace Cafe (a wonderful program I enjoy listening to through blogtalk radio on Mondays). I knew this was a book I wanted to read. I was so excited to win after I heard an interview with author Ann Voskamp on the show. When the book arrived I quickly started reading. It is very different from other books I've read in the writing style. It held my attention and I just had to keep reading. Over the past couple of weeks though I didn't want to pick the book up quite so often...I knew I was nearing the end, and I really didn't want it to end! I finished it Friday morning though and wanted to share it with you.

One Thousand Gifts is a "dare to live fully right where you are." How many of us do that? How many of us are living fully? How many days do we let pass when we just go through the motions without being fully aware of life happening around us? This book is the story of one lady's journey to live fully.

I highly recommend this wonderful book to you. Let me know if you have read it or if you think it sounds like a book you'd want to read.

Have a day of blessings!

1 comment:

~ Bonnie ~ said...

I want to read this one! It fits right in with an Andy Stanley podcast I listened to yesterday about fully engaging in whatever place God has placed you. Not living in the waiting for...... mode. :) must be something I need to hear and learn!