Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Welcome to another week of Thankful Thursday! I hope you have had a nice week. It has been a fast one for us with the school/work holiday on Monday.

Today Lynn asked us if we had a special friend online. I am just so thankful for this online blog community. There are so many sweet ladies that are so loving, supportive, and encouraging. It's comforting to know I can ask these to join me in prayer or share concerns with them.

Today I am thankful for...
~ my sweet husband. We got to go on a date over the weekend because my Mom was here and Caleb stayed with her. I love the lunch dates we get to have many weeks but it was nice to have a night to be out together without him having to hurry back to work. We ate at Olive Garden. Yummy! I love our time together!

~ my sweet boy. We have many trees in our yard at our new house. He is so excited to build a tree house. He drew a plan Saturday of what he wanted it to look like, and we found a book today at the library for him to get some ideas. He told me on "spring 1st we are gonna get to building that tree house."

~ getting rid of stuff! We took a big load of boxes of stuff to donate to the library and Goodwill on Saturday. I've taken other stuff to another place as well. It is so nice to get rid of stuff we don't need!

~ KFC "little bucket parfaits." I had a strawberry one tonight, it was SO delicious. It is a little strawberry shortcake in a little cup. You should try one!

~ the beauty of seeing a sunrise as I took my boy to school as well as the moon peeking from behind the clouds this evening when we came home.

Have a day of blessings!


Kristi said...

I always love to read your thankful posts. You are a blessing and blog world is a far better place with you in it!

Joan Hall said...

Love your list! Wasn't the moon beautiful tonight?


Runnergirl Creations said...

Thanks for sharing your thankfulness! Thank you for the sweet reminder to be thankful everyday! :) Blessings!

gemini said...

I like your'e...getting rid of stuff! I have to do that too, so my closet would look good. It's a perfect reminder for me. Happy TT and blessings from above for you today.

Heather said...

I had a date with my hubby too! We love Olive Garden!!

I love trees,they're so beautiful!!

Happy TT!

Jessica Kramasz said...

"Spring 1st" That is so cute!!

Jessica Kramasz said...

"Spring 1st" That is so cute!!

Tiff said...

I love this post! Getting rid of stuff is one of the most freeing feelings in the world, I think. And that parfait thingy sounds yummy. :-)

Anonymous said...

Now, dessert... that's something to give thanks for! I didn't know KFC had such a thing. Will definately check it out. LOL.
Seriously, this is a nice TT list.
Hope you have a great weekend.

Happy Home Fairy said...

I just LOVE your Thankful Thursday idea! Being grateful is one of the core values I desire our Happy Buddy to grow in. I have always believed what the Veggie Tales movies say, "A thankful heart is a happy heart!" And my favorite gratitude verse is 1 Thess. 5:16-18. What a ministry your blog is! May God continue to bless you in it!