Thursday, December 30, 2010

Thankful Thursday

I'm late in my posting but have been thinking about what I'll post on my thankful list today.

Today I am thankful for...

~ my husband's hard work to provide for us. He has had so much on his plate with all of our moves, buying the house, and repainting two rooms, plus all of the newness of his new position. I'm thankful for his love for us and his work in all he does.

~ fun days with my boy while he is out of school. Tuesday we stayed home (me in my pajamas, he changed outfits three times I think) and had a great day together playing with his new Christmas gifts. I knew the boxes were there and would be there next week as well when my boy is back in school. Wednesday we did a few errands in our new town (subscribing to the local paper, setting up a bank account for him, etc.) and today we went to trade a Lego he had received that he already had. Plus he had some money he won through a fundraiser at his old school. He wanted to get an air pump for his bike, elbow and knee pads, and a different Lego set. He wore the pads the rest of the day after we found them at Walmart. It was such a fun, happy day! Makes me smile to think about the cute things he said and how he talked all day long! I'll miss him when he's back in school next week.

~ getting moved. We are out of the rental house and completely out of the storage unit now. I'm so thankful!

~ Tuesday I was excited to get a local mail-out from the newspaper that had ads for the local grocery stores. Such a simple little thing, but I'd been debating subscribing to the newspaper. I didn't want it to be a waste of money because I doubted how much we'd actually read it. Plus I really only wanted it for the ads and the coupons on Sunday. Since I found out we get the ads in the mail, I won't have to subscribe yet and can still get the ads along with stopping on Sunday for a paper (they sell them on the corners here).

~ the nice visits we had with our family over Christmas. It was very enjoyable with sweet memories made.

Happy New Year!

Have a day of blessings!

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