Friday, December 3, 2010

Flashback Friday:

Like Linda, I've been looking forward to the December prompts for Flashback Friday. This week we are remembering our family traditions regarding Christmas trees.

My Flashback:
I have so many happy memories and Christmas time was certainly a happy time. We got a real tree each year. We usually got it around the 10th-15th I think of December. The three of us would go pick it out together. I remember one year we were waiting in the truck and a girl in the truck next to me stuck her tongue out at me. I don't know why I remember this, but I still have that image in my head. Once we got the tree home my Dad would put it in the stand. Then he said we had to wait to decorate it so it would "draw out." This meant he wanted to let the branches open up a little before we decorated it. I'm not really sure why and that still makes me laugh today. I didn't like waiting to decorate it!

We had a star on the top of the tree. Each year it was the tradition for my Mom to put on the star and we'd take her picture as she posed with her hand ready to place the star atop the tree.

We had a mixture of ornaments. Many were homemade or gifts. We had one set of tiny plastic candy canes that my Dad likes to put on the tree. When I was 2 or 3, my Mom and I made ornaments with dough that hardened and then I painted them. I did this with Caleb also and we hang those on our tree each year. We always got an apple ornament with the year and grade at our Christmas party at school. When we got too old to have a Christmas party my Mom continued to make me an apple through my school years.

Another decoration we always had out at Christmas was a little white and blue church made out of plastic canvas by my Meemaw. It had a music box inside.

Have a day of blessings!


quilly said...

When I was a teen I made dough ornaments with my sister's kids. She still has a few of them left. The kids say it is one of their best ever Christmas memories. At the time I was just trying to entertain them because school was out for holiday and it was too cold to send them outside. I was thinking of momentary sanity (my own), not lasting memories -- but it is such things that make the best memories.

Nel said...

Enjoyed your memories. This is going to be a fun month for memories.

until next time... nel

Mocha with Linda said...

Sorry I'm so late getting here. I've been gone virtually all day - and evening!

I enjoyed reading this. So funny about the girl sticking her tongue out! I have "snapshots" in my head of bizarre things too!

Sue said...

We used to make the dough ornaments in school and bring them home to put on the tree. We'd paint them and even make the ones of papermaché. They didn't look too good but then again we were kids, but mom put them on the tree then they'd slowly disappear! LOL
I've got a pattern for a christmas village in plastic canvas, never made it yet perhaps for next year. Thanks for sharing your memories (followed your link in here from Mocha with Linda).