Friday, August 6, 2010

Flashback Friday....When I grow up....

I am always excited on Thursday's to read Linda's prompts that she posts for the flashback coming up on Friday. She has come up with some great ones, and I love participating and remembering memories from my childhood. Today Linda has asked us to share about what we wanted to be when we grew up. This is an easy and fun one for me (and probably long)!

My flashback:
When I was young, I talked about being a nurse. Someone said one time something about nurses giving shots and helping the doctor. Well right then I changed my mind. I didn't want to be a nurse if they only got go give the shots, I wanted to be a doctor and do the "gross stuff" I said. For many years I said I wanted to be a doctor.

I believe when I was in middle school for one of my classes we had to interview someone in the profession we would like to be one day. I talked to a pediatrician. At the moment he told me he did not always have a lot of time with his family, I immediately knew I did not want to be a doctor anymore. From then on, I no longer had that desire.

For a few years I felt unsure of what I wanted to do. One year I went to a science fair competition and they had various classes set up for us to attend. One was an occupational therapist from the West Texas Rehab. For a while I thought this might be a good career for me.

I don't know when I officially decided I wanted to be a teacher. I think it was at the beginning of high school. I say this because I remember once I made this decision my Mom started buying me Christmas gifts that were teacher related books and materials! I never changed my mind after that. I went to college knowing I wanted to be an elementary teacher and dreamed of teaching 2nd grade. That was the position I got my first year in the classroom. The next year I had 1st grade. I didn't think I would like it as much but it was great as well.

Since my Mom worked at a school I volunteered many hours at her campus in the summer months. I did all sorts of things helping her and some of the teachers. I saw the "behind-the-scenes" stuff that goes on at schools. I think being a teacher is just in my heart. I will always be a teacher. My body runs on a school calendar I think and I always know when August is coming because I have this need to start getting school supplies and planning lessons of some kind!

Through all my years I always knew that I wanted to be a Mommy and my dream was to be a stay-at-home Mom. My husband always knew this was important to me and it was important to him as well. He wanted my dream to come true. Before we had children, we were not sure how it would work, but everything did work out and God blessed me to be able to stay at home. I've been a stay at home Mom for 6 (gulp) years now and I love it. Last year when Caleb started kindergarten I had several offers for various positions. I still feel though that I need to be at home for this time and that is my profession for now.

People ask me if I will go back to teaching someday. I figure some day I will. I just don't know yet when that some day will be. I also have a feeling I "need" to write. I don't know how what that is going to look like either. We will see what God has for me and our family!

Have a day of blessings!


Mocha with Linda said...

I enjoyed this. And believe me, nurses get to do plenty of "gross" stuff! And other than surgery, they probably do more gross stuff than the doctors!

But I'm glad you found your niche with teaching. I enjoyed reading your memories. Thanks for always encouraging me!

bekahcubed said...

I love your line about your body running on the school calendar. I feel that way about gardening. Come mid-April, I feel the need to be barefoot in the garden, planting something. It's an itch that won't go away unless I scratch it. (Of course, while my parents are excellent gardeners, I have little discipline past the planting stage and generally end up with poor produce--but every spring, my body begs me to give it another go.)

HEATHER said...

Wow, Bethany That's really an interesting post. Thanks for sharing all the different paths you thought about doing. God has truly Blessed you and your family.

Denise said...

Such a nice post.

Julia M. Reffner said...

Thanks for sharing your memories. It will be interesting to see which path God leads you. I was an education major, then worked as an assistant librarian, now I'm a stay-at-home mom who homeschools and works on writing in those rare free moments.